Free Shipping on All Orders Over $35
Pristina Natural only distributes to addresses located within the United States.
Common Carrier Shipping (FedEx, UPS, or USPS) typically takes approximately 7-10 business days. Business days are Monday-Friday, excluding U.S. holidays. Time in transit does not include the order processing days. The first day of shipping is the day after the item is picked up.
3 Day shipping takes exactly 3 business days. This does not include the day the item is shipped. Thus if your item is shipped on a Monday, it is guaranteed to arrive on Thursday. Time in transit does not include order processing days. So if you order a product on a Monday, it may not ship until Wednesday. Your product is not guaranteed to arrive until the following Monday.
2 Day shipping takes exactly 2 business days. Please note the examples given above. Next Day, takes one business day. Please note the examples above.
Please note, some items may ship from different locations and arrive at separate times.
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